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Now all things have changed
And I’m sure you’ll agree
Mirrors are not as good
As they used to be.
So never be concerned,
If wrinkles appear
For one thing I’ve learned
Which is very clear,
Should your complexion
Be less than perfection,
It is really the mirror
That needs correction!!
I look in the mirror
And what do I see?
A strange looking person
That cannot be me.

For I am much younger
And not nearly so fat
As that face in the mirror
I am looking at.

Oh, where are the mirrors
That I used to know
Like the ones which were
Made thirty years ago?
In primul rind vreau sa va multumesc inca o data din toata inima pentru organizarea intilnirii din care m-am intors acasa mai emotionata de cit am presupus ca voi fi.
Am reintilnit vechi prieteni si acum sint sigura ca acesta este un nou inceput de prietenie pretioasa. 
As vrea sa va trimit o poezie care se potriveste cu evenimentul:    
Dragele mele Getta si Irina si tot comitetul de organizare in frunte cu Pisti,
The Mirror

(attr. Edmund Burke, 1729 - 1797, Irish Philosopher)
Daniela Klechevsky Hershkovici