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Bancul Saptamanii Joke of the Week
am citit, vazut, auzit.. . am citit, vazut, auzit... am citit, vazut, auzit... am citit, vazut, auzit... am citit, vazut, auzit .
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Picture of the Week Londra 2011 - Foto: Renée Nass Poza Saptamanii
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Shalom! De la foarte multi cititori
"Am trait timpul nostru cu maximul de intensitate posibila, am luptat, am suferit si ne-am bucurat de tot frumosul ce ne-a fost dat"
Annemarie Podlipny–Hehn

A few of MURPHY’S Lesser Known Laws:
- Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak;
- He who laughs last, thinks the slowest;
- The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there is a 90% probability you’ll get it wrong;
- The things that come to those who wait will be the things left by those who got there first;
- A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well. Uri Weisz
Într-o viata, aproape normala, barbatul trece - în viziunea femeii - printr-o serie de transformari zoologice, unele complet ilogice.
La început e puisor, puiut, pui, iepuras, gândacel, motanel, mielusel, cocosel, ursulet, bursuc si mânz. Apoi devine armasar, taur, leu, leopard, tigru, iepuroi, dulau, cârlan, cintezoi si cocos.
Usor, usor, se transforma în popândau, magarus, tap, berbec si vitel. Spre final, ajunge guzgan, papagal, sconcs, gorila, urangutan, dinozur, casalot, mastodont, magar, porc si, inevitabil, boul dracului.
Cu totul altfel se pune problema, când e vorba de femeie… Porneste de la privighetoare, mierla, ciocârlie, vrabiuta, gândacel, soricel, pisicuta, broscuta, furnicuta, albinuta, libelula si trece spre porumbita, maimutica, fâta, vulpita, pupaza, bufnita si buha, ajungând la viespe, vipera, lipitoare, ciocanitoare, cucuvea, closca, gâsca, hiena, catea, balena si, evident, vaca Domnului. Kurti Plohn, Moni Tabak(Horotan)
An Anti-Semite walks into a bar and sees a Jew, so he walks over to the bartender and orders an expensive drink for everyone except for the Jew. He looks at the Jew and sees the Jew is smiling, so he goes and buys another round for everyone except for the Jew, and the Jew is still smiling. So he walks over to the bartender and asks him: What's with that Jew, is he an idiot or something? ..
Oh no, he's the owner!! Imre Deutsch

Relatare de la Gabi pentru Getta:
"...sala festiva, frumos renovata a fost neincapatoare, scaunul tatalui tau a ramas gol ... mie si acum imi dau lacrimile, desi a fost un prilej de bucurie sa vezi, ce se poate realiza cand pui suflet."
"Centrul Comunitar Rabin Dr. Ernest Neumann"