Floarea soarelui - Foto:Michael Schwartz
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Picture of the Week Seder Pesah 2015 - by Noemi Poza Saptamanii
Anunturi / Revista Presei Announcements / News in Review
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Bancul Saptamanii Joke of the Week
No. 08 - vineri 3 aprilie 2015
Articole noi (18.03.2015):
Moravetz Iuliu, ”Fratii Moravetz”,
Szekely Gabriel, Krausz Albert,
Blatt Nicolae, Szönyi Stefan
Geza Kornis, Getta Neumann, Gabriel
Szekely, Ivan Goldberger
Foto: Anca Silvia Buzatu
Si de-am tacut...
De Julia Henriette Kakucs
Foto: Michael Schwartz
Foto: Victor Galambos
Haifa the old way
Foto: Jochanan Naschitz
De J. H. Kakucs
Foto: GeoN
De Getta Neumann
Ritmul vioi din refrenul Dai, dai, daieinu (Ar fi fost de
ajuns …) sau cel avântat din LeShana habaa
b’Yrushalaim (La anul la Ierusalim) ne umple de
multumire si încredere în viitor.
Ne e dor, retraim momente din trecut, ne regasim
în curiozitatea si încântarea copiilor.
Colectia Getta
(Casher l'Pesah)
De la Imre Bernstein
Portretul unei comunitati
Se citeste ca un roman...
La ora trei noaptea, nepoata mea Moira, de 16
ani, nu dormea. Citea cartea ta...
Idiskeit, duiosie si umor - elemente perene în
cultura israeliana
De Getta Neumann
Parca te scalzi într-un spatiu intim al omeniei,
când citesti, râzând printre lacrimi, povestirile lui
Etgar Keret, cunoscut scriitor israelian de nuvele
si de scenarii de film.
De Dorina Deutsch
... În acest an, între 19-22 martie am avut ocazia
si nu mai putin onoarea sa particip, împreuna cu
sora mea Vera Botis, la un eveniment deosebit.
"Begegnungen mit Menschen und Städten"
Die Schilderungen in diesem Buch sind nicht
erfunden, erlebt und aufgeschrieben wurden sie
von einer kommunikativen weltoffenen 96-
jährigen alten Dame, einer Czernowitzerin .
Von Christel Wollmann-Fiedler

caruta Amintiri stârnite de lectura cartii Destine
evreiesti la Timisoara. Portretul unei comunitati
De Stefan Kecskemeti
... timp de doua zile m-am simtit intr-un mod
foarte ciudat, ACASA.
De Stefan Kecskemeti
Aceasta arta plastica din spray-uri cu vopsele
aduce un oarecare lirism in mizeria unui mileniu
De Julia Henriette Kakucs
... imensa voastra contributie la regasirea si
reunirea fostilor timisoreni, la intretinerea
cimitirului, la informarea asupra realizarilor
recente, dar si la improspatarea multor amintiri.
Partea I
Arbitri; Profesori; Jurnalisti; Tenis de masa; Baschet;
Volei; Fotbal; Tenis; Scrima; Box
gimnastica ritmica, a servit ca model pentru aceste
notita biografica!)
Nud cu prosop
De la Paula Drexler
De la Gyuri Tessler
De la Peter Fuchs
la Simleu Silvaniei si seara de Purim. Reportaj de Andrea
De la Paula Drexler
Cum iti hranesti copiii in timpul curateniei de Pesah
Partea II
Polo; Canotaj; Kaiak-canoe; Inot; Patinaj artistic;
Gimnastica, balet, coreografie; Alpinism; Sah
Proiect initiat si realizat de Dezsö Bleier si Gheorghe
Redactare: Getta Neumann
Completari (in albastru): Mircea Costin, Dezsö Bleier
Va rugam sa verificati si sa completati!
Salomea cu capul sfantului Ioan Botezatorul
Colectia Iudit Cohn
Reteta de la mama
De la Peter Willkovits si
Anath Hanit
By Noemi
In prima parte, fara
audio, poemul lui
Elie Wiesel despre
Pesah in lagar.
cantec hasidic.
Diana Chirila si Nicoleta
Colceiar (voce); Maestrul
Ladislau Rooth (pian si
Cantec interpretat
în cadrul
comemorativ Dr.
Ernest Neumann,
Prim-Rabin (1917-
2004) din 1 iunie
2014, la Sinagoga
din Cetate,
The dinner guest
Maurice and Sadie invited Nigel, their gentile
neighbour for a Passover dinner. The first
course was served and Sadie said to Nigel,
“This is matzoh ball soup.”
When Nigel saw the two large matzoh balls in
the soup, he was hesitant to taste this strange
looking brew. But Maurice gently persuaded him
to try it. “Just have a taste. If you don’t like it,
you don’t have to finish it, honestly.”
So Nigel has a taste. He digs his spoon in and
picks up a small piece of matzoh ball with some
soup. He tastes it gingerly and finds he likes it
very much. Quickly he finishes his plate.
“That was delicious”, says Nigel. “Can you eat
any other part of the matzoh?”
A little boy once returned home from Hebrew
school and his father asked, "what did you learn
today?" He answered, "The Rabbi told us how
Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt."
"How?" The boy said "Moses was a big strong man
and he beat Pharoah up. Then while he was
down, he got all the people together and ran
towards the sea. When he got there, he has the
Corps of Engineers build a huge pontoon bridge.
Once they got on the other side, they blew up the
bridge while the Egyptians were trying to cross."
The father was shocked. "Is that what the Rabbi
taught you?"
The boy replied, "No. But you'd never believe the
story he DID tell us!"
What, in your opinion, is the most reasonable explanation for the fact that Moses led the Israelites all over the place for forty years before they
finally got to the Promised Land?
Q: What do you call someone who derives
pleasure from the bread of affliction?
A: A matzochist.
a.He was being tested.
b.He wanted them to really appreciate the
Promised Land when they finally got there.
c.He refused to ask directions.
De Andrea Ghita
De la Ani si Victor Galambos
A multi-genre twist on the classic Passover Seder song
De la Ion Nanu
cu lucrari de Julia Henriette Kakucs
Turism genealogic pentru germani si evrei
De la Gabi Izsak
din Timisoara de altadata
Interviuri cu Tiberiu Hornung, reprezentantul editurii Hasefer
la Salonul de carte si cu Calin Cosar, presedintele Camerei de
Comert si Industrie Romania-Israel
De Felicia Ristea
Interviu cu Luciana Friedmann, pres. Comunitatii Evreilor