Floarea soarelui - Foto:Michael Schwartz
No. 1 - vineri 11 februarie 2022
Articole noi:
Eduard (Ede, Elias) Löwenherz,
Getta Neumann
Eva & George Liebermann, Getta Neumann
Natatie si polo - Noutati pe pag. 32-34
de la Ervin Weinberger
Picture of the week Liftoff - By Alon&Aviva Gal Poza saptamanii
Timisoara and World News Stiri din Timisoara si lumea larga
Bancul Saptamanii Joke of the Week
In 12 ianuarie 1917 s-a nascut cel care a devenit conducatorul spiritual al comunitatii evreilor din Timisoara, rabinul dr. Ernest Neumann
Israeliene la Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara , cu
ocazia Zilei internationale de comemorare a victimelor
Holocaustului din 27 ianuarie, s-a organizat o masa
rotunda cu tema Wannsee si solutia finala. Scriitorul
Norman Manea a vorbit despre cresterea
antisemitismului pentru Radio Timisoara.
Emisiune realizata de Felicia Ristea
am citit, am vazut, am auzit... am citit, am vazut, am auzit... am citit, am vazut, am auzit...
Aneta & Victor Galambos
Jerusalem West Wall
Alon & Aviva Gal
Carmel Coast in November
NOTICES Press Reviews Revista Presei ANUNTURI
Amintirile lui despre Auschwitz si despre
parcursul lui profesional care continua si in
Emisiune realizata de TVR Timisoara.
Soarta i-a întors spatele tânarului Ladislau Roth destul de timpuriu, în
august 1940, la putin timp dupa ce împlinise 20 de ani.
De George Schimmerling
De Armin Heinen
De la prof. dr. Victor Neumann
Zu: Getta Neumann - "Auf den Spuren des jüdischen
Temeswar. Mehr als ein Stadtführer"
"Ein jüngeres, konsumfreudiges Publikum wird sich an den
viele Informationen erquicken und jeder kann auf Spuren
alter Geschichte wandeln. Es wird ausgiebig, klug und
kundig informiert, alles mit Zahlen, Fotos und Karten
Von: Katharina Kilzer
The legendary referee participates in events at the
FIFA Museum, in Switzerland and in Italy
Photo Album and Message from Bracha and Abraham
Prim-cantor la Sinagoga din Cetate, cantaret
de muzica clasica, compozitor si pedagog
Doua poezii de Ari Eisenscher
Ilustratie: Moise si tablele legii
Sculptura de Ari Eisenscher
Texte ale autorilor care au participat la
concursul de proza scurta si poezie organizat
de Editura SAGA
Ilustratii de Anath Hanit.
Evocare in emisiunea
radiofonica realizata
de Marcel Tolcea din
12 ianuarie 2022
Conferinta internationala
de Iudaistica din 1995 la
Cluj. Printre cei intervievati
sunt prof. dr. Nicolae Cajal,
presedintele Federatiei
Comunitatilor Evreiesti
Romania, prim-rabin dr.
Ernest Neumann.
Redactoare: Andrea Ghita
"Timp de 62 de ani în slujba
Domnului" - Interviu cu prim-rabin dr.
Ernest Neumann, cu ocazia decernarii
Premiului Scheiber Sandor la Budapesta
în 3 martie 2003, realizat de pastorul
Gazda Istvan.
Publicat in Ziarul "Kút", 8 iunie 2003, in
limba maghiara.
(1935, Timisoara - 2022, New York)
Il plang cu mare tristete Judy, sotia
lui de 53 de ani, copiii lui, Maya si
Peter impreuna cu familiile lor si sora
lui, Judith.
Cu mare tristete ne anunta
Henry Tausk trecerea in
nefiinta a fratelui sau
Timisoara - 12 Decembrie,
2021, SUA)
Friderica Mezei, n. Weisz, ne
anunta cu durere moartea
surorii ei,
Iuliana (Iudit) Spitzer,
n. Weisz (1937, Timisoara - 29
Decembrie 2021, Kiriat
Motzkin, Israel)
(2 martie 1935,Timisoara - 2021,
(14 Decembrie 1935,
Timisoara - 18 Nov. 2021,
Antonescu: ”AUR, grupare extremista si antisemita/ O eroizare a liderilor
fascisti, politica extremista/ Un partid politic are oficial azi misiunea reabilitarii
Miscarii Legionare.
De la Gabi Izsak
spontan si inevitabil
De la Victor Neumann
Holocaustului prin gloante
limbajele social-politice. O critica a cartii "Kin, People or Nation?" de
Victor Neumann
De Florin Lobont
Schatteles Tibor: A temesvári zsidóság. Történelmi távlatkép. Múlt és
Jövo Könyvkiadó, 2020
in timpul celui de-al doilea razboi mondial
Alon & Aviva Gal
Alexander Stream National Park
Redactoare si autoare
Redactat de Eva & George Liebermann
Marturii despre miscarea sionista la Timisoara
(Din albumele lui Tibor Weiss, Theodore Nobel, Zwi
Benedek si Shlomo Anti Katz) Imagini din viata
tinerilor sionisti
au murit patru persoane, iar aproximativ 70 au fost
De William Totok

A priest and a rabbi were sitting next to each other on an airplane.
After a while, the priest turned to the rabbi and asked: "Is it still a
requirement of your faith that you not eat pork?"
The rabbi responded: "Yes, that is still one of our beliefs."
The priest then asked: "Have you ever eaten pork?"
To which the rabbi replied: "Yes, on one occasion I did succumb to
temptation and tasted a ham sandwich."
The priest nodded in understanding and went on with his reading.
A while later, the rabbi spoke up and asked the priest: "Father, is it
still a requirement of your church that you remain celibate?"
The priest replied: "Yes, that is still very much a part of our faith."
The rabbi then asked him: "Father, have you ever fallen to the
temptations of the flesh?"
The priest replied: "Yes, rabbi, on one occasion I was weak and broke
with my faith."
The rabbi nodded understandingly and remained silently thinking for
about five minutes.
Finally, the rabbi said: "Beats a ham sandwich, doesn't it?"
An elderly New York Jew is traveling through Texas. He stops at a
small-town saloon for a drink. While he is sitting quietly at the bar, a
big, rough-looking cowboy bursts through the front door bellowing,
“Are there any Jews in this here place?” The New Yorker feels
threatened and remains silent. The cowboy repeats, even louder, “Are
there any Jews in this here place?” The New Yorker summons up his
courage and says, “I’m a Jew, mister. What about it?” The cowboy
replies. “Saddle up, partner. We need to make a minyan.”
Rabbi Moshe Karelman, a brilliant Talmudist and his star pupil Yeshaya were
traveling to Vilna when they had to stop for the night, and pitch their tent in an
empty field.
After the evening prayers Rabbi Karelman and Yeshaya retire for the evening.
Some hours later, Rabbi Karelman wakes up and nudges his student.
“Yeshaya, look up at the sky and tell me what you see.”
“I see millions and millions of stars, Rabbi Karelman.”
“And from this, what do you deduce?”
Yeshaya ponders for a minute.
“Well, astronomically, this view conveys the vastness of the heavens.
Chronometrically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three.
Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow.
Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful, and that we are a small and
insignificant part of His universe. What does it tell you, Rabbi Karelman?”
“Yeshaya, someone has stolen our tent.”
Max loses his hat and decides the easiest way to get another one is to steal it.
He goes to the synagogue cloakroom to get a hat. A sermon about the Ten
Commandments was going on. Max pauses to listen and then changes his
mind. On nearing the exit, he runs into the rabbi.
He says, "Rabbi, I came here with sin in my heart. I must say, you saved me
from crime."
The rabbi replies, "That's nice to hear. What sin were you about to commit?"
Max replies, "I came here to steal a hat, but your sermon made me change my
The rabbi says, "May I know what part of my sermon made you see the error of
your ways?"
Max replies, "When you reached the 'Thou shalt not commit adultery' part, I
suddenly remembered where I left my hat."