Floarea soarelui - Foto:Michael Schwartz
No. 3 - vineri 30 martie 2018
Bancul Saptamanii Joke of the Week
Articole noi: Peter Lovas; Otto Bodascher
Redactoare: Getta Neumann
Natatie si polo - Noutati pe pag. 32-34
de la Ervin Weinberger
Anunturi / Revista presei
O seara de gimnastica intelectuala si exercitii de
memorie si empatie.
De Getta Neumann
Kossuth Radio Budapest - Tanczenei Koktel
Din colectia de un sfert de milion de cantece a lui
Gabi Bohm
De Laszlo Szuts
Traducere de Paul Daszkal - In memoria tatalui meu,
Bernat Daszkal, deportat in lagarul de munca fortata la
"Ori te omoara în bataie gardianul ungur, ori te
termina tifosul, ori nemtii te executa pâna la urma"
Galambos Viktor
Egy feledhetetlen nyár
Nem keresünk senkit, csak szállást éjszakára...
Inotator si antrenor de elita
Urbanist. Inginer-sef la Oficiul de studii municipale
Anuntam cu durere stingerea din viata a lui
Peter Hollander (16.05.1946, Timisoara -
21.03.2018, Toronto)
Transmitem condoleante sotiei Hajnal, copiilor
Robert si Ingrid si familiilor lor.
Peter ne va lipsi si îi vom pastra amintirea.
Picture of the Week Hag Sameach! - Michael Schwartz Poza saptamanii
Timisoara and World News Stiri din Timisoara si lumea larga
"Ca la mama acasa..."
cu acordeonistul Erich Brettholz, acompaniaza
dansul "Krakoviak"
Gekommen bist du, gesehen hast du, gehört hast du
Von Andreas Varnai
... keiner wollte uns haben, so sonderten wir uns von
der Welt ab.
De Stefan Kecskemeti
Probleme si succese la spitalul de la Oradea
Cutremure si superstitii
Membri si nemembri de partid. Mizeria anilor '70
Securitatea omniprezenta
Researched by George Kurti Plohn
By Gaetano Donizetti
By Gioachino Rossini
Cu tristete anuntam disparitia lui
Peter G.O. Freund (1936, Timisoara- 06.03.2018,
Chicago) om de stiinta, eseist, scriitor, personalitate
sclipitoare si prieten bun.
la Universitatea din Chicago. Eseist si scriitor.
Povestea unei vieti - Text publicat pana acum
EMLÉKEK - Összes eddig megjelent szövegek
Received from our contributors Contributii de la corespondentii nostri
Biti Caragiale
Lucian Zeev Herscovici,
Asociatia Meseriasilor Evrei Timisoara in anul
In Muzeul evreilor vorbitori de limba maghiara in
Tsfat, Israel
Absolventele Liceului "Carmen Sylva" Timisoara
in anul 1939-1940, ultimul an in care elevi evrei au
avut dreptul sa absolve un alt liceu decat Liceul
De la Prof. Iancu Radu Burcea
ILSA Anii 1954-1956
In poza: Robi Ladner, Csiki Reiter,
Szuhanek s.a.
Din colectia de fotografii
a lui Ervin Weinberger
Adrian Grauenfels
Serban Foarta (Timisoara, Romania)
Adrian Grauenfels
Dorel Schor, Schite umoristice
Timisoara - By Peter Freund
De la Stephan Benedict
La troisičme ville de Roumanie, connaît un essor économique et culturel
sans précédent. Elle sera capitale européenne de la culture en 2021. Une
bonne part de son centre historique a déjŕ fait peau neuve. De nombreux
édifices témoignent des années de l’Empire austro-hongrois. Artistes et
acteurs culturels du cru font part de leurs visions, de leurs ręves et de leurs
Emisiunea Arte in limba Germana
De la Adrian Grauenfels
De la Heda Rechnitz
De la George Liebermann
p. 5 Expozitie la Muzeul National de Istorie a României: Temple si
sinagogi din Romania
p. 7 Purim in comunitati
p. 8 Iudaica
p. 15 Revista de istorie a Evreilor din Romania
p. 23 Getta Neumann, Henrik Telkes - un nume nou in arhitectura
-Cum se numeste cineva care are placere sa consume "pâinea
-Un matzochist.
Care este explicatia cea mai verosimila pentru faptul ca Moise a condus
pe israeliti prin desert timp de 40 de ani inainte de a ajunge in Tara
a.A fost pus la incercare.
b.El a vrut ca israelitii sa aprecieze cu adevarat Tara Promisa cand ajung
c.A refuzat sa intrebe cum se ajunge acolo.
-Prin ce se aseamana un discurs bun cu o felie de matza?
-Nu trebuie sa dureze mai mult de 18 minute. (Timpul cat se coace
On Passover we
Opened the door for Elijah
Now our cat is gone. (Haiku de Pesah)
Un baietel s-a intors acasa dupa cursul de religie. Tatal lui l-a intrebat:
Ce ai invatat astazi?
-Rabinul ne-a spus ca Moise a condus pe fiii lui Israel din Egipt.
-Si cum a facut el asta?
-Moise era un tip foarte puternic si i-a tras o bataie Faraonului. Apoi a
strans pe toti si a fugit spre mare. Acolo a comandat unor ingineri sa
construiasca un pod urias. Cand au ajuns cu totii pe partea cealalta, au
aruncat in aer podul cu tot cu egiptenii care ii urmareau.
Tatal, profund socat:
-Asta te-a invatat Rabinul?
-Nu. Dar nu ai crede niciodata povestea pe care El ne-a povestit-o!
In 1936 Morris Rabinowitz, a dentist, fled his native Germany. He sold
his assets and made five sets of solid gold teeth with his cash, well
above the limit he could bring into the U.S.
When he arrived in New York, the customs official was perplexed as to
why anybody would have five sets of gold teeth. So Morris explained,
"Jews who keep kosher have two separate sets of dishes for meat
products and dairy products, but I am so religious I also have separate
sets of teeth."
The customs official shook his head and, said "Well, that accounts for
two sets of teeth. What about the other three?"
Morris replied, "Very religious Jews use separate dishes for Passover,
but I am so Orthodox that I have separate teeth for Passover meat and
Passover dairy food."
The customs official shook his head and said, "You must be a man of
very strong faith to have separate teeth for meat and dairy products
and likewise for Passover. That accounts for four sets of teeth. What
about the fifth set?"
Morris looked around, leaned forward and spoke softly, "To tell you the
truth," he said, "once in a while, I like a ham sandwich."
A British Jew is waiting in line to be knighted by the Queen.
He is to kneel in front of her and recite a sentence in Latin when she
taps him on the shoulders with her sword. However, when his turn
comes, he panics in the excitement of the moment and forgets the
Latin. Then, thinking fast, he recites the only other sentence he knows
in a foreign language, which he remembers from the Passover seder:
“Ma nishtana ha layla ha zeh mi kol ha leylot.”
Puzzled, Her Majesty turns to her advisor and whispers, “Why is this
knight different from all other knights?”