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Bancul Saptamanii Joke of the Week
Picture of the Week "Ploaie pe parbriz" Foto Renée Politzer Poza Saptamanii
am citit, vazut, auzit.. . am citit, vazut, auzit... am citit, vazut, auzit... am citit, vazut, auzit... am citit, vazut, auzit .
Quotes Citate
Salutari Greetings
Anunturi Announcements
Reuniunea tuturor timisorenilor - Mai 2011
Asteptam sugestii constructive, propuneri, planuri!
TAXI - De la Diego Cohen
Weekly VIDEO Saptamanal
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.
Abraham Lincoln
In fiecare an in luna noiembrie, Asociatia Agricultorilor din Binyamina, organizeaza o vacanta de 5 zile la Marea Moarta, legata si de vizitarea unui muzeu din zona respectiva.
Victor Galambos ne trimite: Imagini de la Marea Moarta, din Negev si de la Muzeul Culturii Beduine din nordul Negevului
To see and to hear our Prime Minister Harper taking this courageous, strong stand makes us very proud to be Canadians. De la Getta Szasz
Telephone rings at night...
Husband : "If it 's for me then say that I am not at home"
Wife answers : "He is at home"
Husband : "What the hell ?"
Wife : ''It was for me" !! De la Diego
Directorul unui internat ii previne pe baieti :
- Daca da dracu' si-l prind pe unul din voi in dormitorul fetelor, il amendez cu 10 Euro ; a doua oara il ard cu 20 de Euro si a treia oara cu 40 Euro!
Din spate, o voce timida :
- Dom' director, da' un abonament cat costa ? De la Andrei Spitzer
- Nevasta-mea vorbeste întruna.
- Despre ce?
- Parca-mi spune!?
- Pe nevasta-mea a apucat-o, de la un timp, alta pandalie: în fiecare noapte viseaza ca s-a maritat cu un milionar!
- Asta nu-i nimic, a mea viseaza ziua.
Conciliabul între socru si ginere:
- Si daca n-o sa va întelegeti?
- Nicio grija. Eu v-am luat-o, eu v-o aduc înapoi! De la Peter Wilkovits
Definition of Chutzpah:
A little old Jewish lady sold pretzels on a street corner for 25 cents each. Every day a young man would leave his office building at lunch time, and as he passed the pretzel stand, he would leave her a quarter, but never take a pretzel. And this went on for more than 3 years. The two of them never spoke. One day, as the young man passed the old lady’s stand and left his quarter as usual, the pretzel lady spoke to him.
“Sir, I appreciate your business. You are a good customer, but I have to tell you that the pretzel price has gone up to 35 cents.”
But there's another legal chutzpah story. A man goes to a lawyer and asks: "How much do you charge for legal advice?" "A thousand dollars for three questions." "Wow! Isn't that kind of expensive?" "Yes, it is. What's your third question?"
La Multi Ani, Annie!
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