Floarea soarelui - Foto:Michael Schwartz
No. 8 - vineri 16 octombrie 2020
Articole noi:
George Liebermann, Adrian Goldstein
Getta Neumann
Natatie si polo - Noutati pe pag. 32-34
de la Ervin Weinberger
Picture of the Week The Maple Leaf - By Michael Schwartz Poza saptamanii
am citit, am vazut, am auzit... am citit, am vazut, am auzit... am citit, am vazut, am auzit...
Timisoara and World News Stiri din Timisoara si lumea larga
Bancul Saptamanii Joke of the Week
By Robi Auscher
NOTICES Press Reviews Revista Presei ANUNTURI
Sergio Morariu,
La sat in secolul 21
While on a one-week vacation in Budapest, in the
early-nineties, got a call from the World Bank to
check my availability for Venezuela.
It was worth working in Peru. It offered the
opportunity of visiting one of the world’s awesome
sites, the divine Machu Picchu.
Biographical Memoir (Excerpts)
By Anthony Klein
Pleasant pre-war life in Timisoara before World War II,
followed by the terrible war years...
De George Schimmerling
Era aproape o delectare sa petrec noptile când
temperatura cobora la limite suportabile fata de
zapuseala din timpul zilei, în post, doar cu mine însumi.
Mai ales în acele nopti linistite când puteam asculta
pasarile cântatoare. Mi se parea ca nici o pasare nu cânta
mai frumos ca mierla...
Interviu realizat de Felicia Ristea, Radio Timisoara, cu
dr. Gheorghe Sebök, specialist in ortopedie si
traumatologie, vice-presedinte al Comunitatii Evreilor
din Timisoara
Von Christel Wollmann-Fiedler
Das antisemitische Attentat in Halle and der Saale 2019
De Tibi Ezri
Povestea noastra imaginara se petrece între
anii 2055-2088...
O distopie care ar trebui sa sune alarma
De George Schimmerling
Sunt vremuri in care am vrea sa dam timpul indarat.
(Scriitorul Etgar Keret are o povestire despre un pestisor
de aur care poate îndeplini un singur gen de dorinte.
Poate da timpul înapoi.)
From Suddenly, a Knock on the Door (FSG Originals, April 2012). Originally
published in Tin House
Timisoara, 4 octombrie 1951
Inginer chimist. Cercetator
Un atac antisemit împotriva tipografului Jakab Csendes
De Getta Neumann
Monarhia Duala se mândrea ca în conglomeratul de etnii
conlocuitoare domneau întelegerea si armonia...
In 1900, la Editura Csendes Jakab s-a tiparit cea mai veche carte de
logopedie de pe actualul teritoriu al României, scrisa de Jozsef Roboz
My Life (Foreword)
By Henry Tausk
By the time young people are becoming interested in
the past, there is usually nobody left from whom one
should receive information. These pages may help fill
that void.
De Julia Henriette Kakucs
As dori sa-ti povestesc astazi despre aceasta casa
nr.19. Se gasea vis-a-vis de cinematograful Arta,
într-o strada, ce în amintirea multor generatii
pastreaza înca aroma ciocolatei...
Andrei S. Markovits & Kenneth Garner,
The pluralism of Jewish identity among students at the
University of Michigan, 1897-1945: An apt microcosm of
American Jewry's cultural heterogeneity and diverse identity
Andrei Markovits & Katherine N. Crosby,
From Property to Family:
American Dog Rescue and the Discourse of
De la Stefan Benedict
De la Tamara Adler
De Petru Clej
De la Dan Mironescu
De la Mihai Opris
De la Alon si Aviva Gal
Sorin Birstein,
Sydney & Tasmania
Sorin Birstein,
A travers la France
Michael Schwartz,
Wonderful Autumn Colours
George Liebermann
Timisoara, 26 ianuarie 1946
Inginer chimist
* - Dati-mi o pâine integrala de secara, va rog!
- Poftim. De ce tineti masca si peste ochi?
- Sa nu vad scârbele alea de eclere!
* Canicula nu exista! Sunt interese mari ale producatorilor de bere.
* - Cum se numeste atunci când îti merge totul bine?
- Halucinatii!
* În ultima vreme, asa de sensibila este lumea, ca nu mai pot face
misto nici de mine, ca se supara ceilalti…
* În sfârsit am învatat sa spun ”NU” si ma simt mult mai bine.
- Vrei o bere?
- De ce NU?
* Când parasesc casa…
2019: chei, telefon, portofel.
2020: chei, telefon, portofel, masca, dezinfectant, sabie samurai,
usturoi, testament, cruce argint, picior de iepure, minge anti-stres,
abilitati arte martiale, apa sfintita.
* Not even in my wildest dreams did I imagine myself entering a Bank,
wearing a mask and asking for money.
* Never thought my hands would one day consume more alcohol than
my liver .... ever!
* Quarantine seems like a Netflix series .... just when you think it is
over, they release the next season.
* I'm starting to like this mask thing .... went to the supermarket and
two people that I owe money to didn't recognize me.
* Who was complaining that 2020 didn't have enough holidays .... now
* I need to social distance myself from my fridge; I tested positive for excess
* Can someone tell me if the 2nd quarantine will be with the same family ....
or we can change?
* In just two weeks we will hear if there are still two more weeks to let us
know that two more weeks of quarantine are needed ....
* I'm planning on not adding this year 2020 to my age .... I didn't even use it!
* We want to publicly apologize to the year 2019 for all the bad things we
said about it.
* To all the ladies that were praying for their husbands to spend more time
with them .... how are you doing?
* My washing machine only accepts pajamas .... I put in a pair of jeans and a
message came "stay home!" ????
* If I see anyone on December 31 crying for this year ending, I will use a
bottle to their head!
* After all that we have been through, the only thing missing is that the
vaccine will be available only in suppository form.
* I feel like a teenager .... no money in my wallet, hair long and out of
control, thinking what to do with my life, and grounded home.
De la Heda Rechnitz

Cu mare tristete ne anunta Kati Breger, n. Naschitz,
trecerea in nefiinta a sotului ei Laci Breger, medic radiolog
(1933 Arad - 13.10.2020, Israel)