INTALNIREA absolventilor clasei a 5a din 1947, a Liceului Israelit - in Israel in 2007
A word from Effy Pfeffermann:
The reunion took place at Judith's Restaurant in Tel Aviv on November 1, 2007.
I decided to organize and coordinate a class reunion of the graduates of the 1947 "Zsidlic" in Timisoara. This was NOT the last school year of the lyceum before it was closed by the communists.
With the help of Abrahamsohn Ocsi, Berkovits Ali (David), Heller Edit, Taub Klari, and others, the party went off beautifully, with 51 guests attending. I am grateful to them for their help in making this special event happen.
The excitement was intense as people entered the room to joyous greetings from friends who hadn't seen them for decades. While eating tasty rakot krumpli and other Hungarian treats, friends intermingled and reminisced about events of long ago. We laughed and cried about our youthful shenanigans, and regretted that so many years flew by without more meetings.
The "boys" told stories about Gizi Neni and her enterprise, which can not be printed, but caused a lot of laughter. The girls were so exhuberant about this party, and were surprised that some of them could actually be recognized.
To my surprise, my classmates first roasted me, and told hilarious stories about my adventures of doing business with the Russian soldiers, like buying rubles and selling them wood alcohol. Among other things, I accidentally shot one of them (he was only lightly wounded).
I was honored by my classmates with several beautiful plaques from the Keren Kayemet le Israel. I will always cherish the precious memories of this reunion, and am so thankful for the renewed friendships.
group photo renunion zsidlic november 1 2007 tel aviv
iudit abrahasohn and ani bojan
rachel and arthur rosenberg
harry and illana bivas
ali bercovits
abrahamsohn ocsi and edith heller
apter sica and arthur rosenberg
arthur rosenberg czilczer robi szuri and szabo evi
otto and rachel czibener
plohn klari and husband
again abrahamsohn with good looking woman
molnar evi and susan pfeffermann
taub klari and effy pfefferman
ali david and wife shoshanna berkovits
kalai yudif and popper ani
morvailaci and taub klari
effy pfeffermann and salamon (savon) laci
hollaender endre and czilczer robi
iudit abrahamsohn and susan pfeffermann
effy p with yudit abrahamshon, chava hollaender and taub klari
kauftaheil fredi and apter sica and sitting group photo reunion 2007
ali bercovits edith heller giving effy and susan pfeffermann gift
aliza fruci grunburger ali bercovits szuri gluck chaycu low effy and susan pfeffermann
group photo renunion zsidlic november 1 2007 tel aviv

In aceasta zi a avut loc o intalnire foarte placuta si de neuitat la Tel Aviv, cu participarea unor fosti elevi de la Zsidlic.
Totul a inceput cu decizia lui Pfeffermann Efraim, asa zis Effi sau Pofki, sa traverseze oceanul pentru a-si sarbatori ziua de nastere cu vechii lui prieteni la Tel Aviv. Si acest fapt dovedeste ca prieteniile legate la Zsidlic-ul din Timisoara dureaza o viata intreaga, ca de altfel multe alte lucruri pozitive pe care le-am insusit la aceasta scoala. Ele au influentat viata nostra pana in ziua de astazi, dar despre aceasta tema au scris altii in mod detailat.
Effi a sosit impreuna cu Susan, sotia lui pe care toata lumea a simpatizat-o din prima clipa. Au invitat 47 fosti prieteni de la Zsidlic, in parte din clasa lui Effi, dar si din clase inferioare sau superioare. Elementul comun era ca toti erau prietenii lui Effi cu care el a ramas in contact.
Toti au sosi cu bucurie si cu zambetul pe buze. Am purtat mici etichete cu numele nostru, doamnele cu numele de fata, barbatii cu numele anterior ebraizarii, daca acesta a fost cazul. Dar nu era nevoie, si fara etichete ne-am recunoscut. Varsta si-a spus cuvantul, dar ne-a ajuns sunetul vocii, cateva cuvinte, rasul sau un gest pentru ca anii sa se spulbere si sa ne recunoastem.
Am ascultat multe povesti despre parcursul fiecaruia, am schimbat poze de familie, asa cum se obisnuieste in asemenea ocazii. Unii au adus fotografii vechi si privindu-le, ne-am amuzat copios, caci ne-a venit greu sa ne recunoastem pe pozele vechi.
Unii nu s-au vazut de decenii si nici in vis nu si-au imaginat ca se vor vedea vreodata. Effi a dovedit ca mai exista minuni si am trait momente de neuitat.
Prea repede au trecut aceste cateva ore si stiam ca nu prea o sa mai avem parte de asa ceva in viata. Ne-am exprimat recunostinta plantand 50 de copacei in numele lui Effi si Susan.
Aceasta intalnire a fost unica in felul ei. Nu a fost o intalnire de bacalaureat si nici o intalnire generala a timisorenilor. A fost expresia dorului unui om de prietenii lui, a dorintei lui de a-i intalni si de a-i aduna spre bucuria tuturora.
Dorim multa sanatate si multe trairi tot atat de frumoase lui Effi si Susan!
Ne gandim cu multa dragoste si recunostinta la voi.
In numele tuturora
Schlosser Kati
(trad. Getta Neumann)
A word from Schlosser Kati:
Mai 2009
Intalnirea unor buni prieteni din tinerete in 1 noiembrie 2007