To our readers and contributors:
The contents of the website are intended for personal, noncommercial use.
The website aims to present topics of interest to the Jewish Community with roots in Timisoara, Romania.
Please note: the viewing of the site is not limited to the intended audience and there is no control over who, in fact, accesses the site. Given the open policy of the INTERNET, we can't control how the contents of the site are being used.
The original contributions to the site from the site’s users are constantly enriching the content of the page and are giving to it the feeling of a “living room” connectivity and cohesion of the community.
By making a contribution to the website, you are consenting to its display and publication on the site. The site contributors acknowledge that any submissions made to the website (i.e. comments, messages, reviews, text, video, audio and photographs), may be edited, removed, modified, published, transmitted, and displayed by
The contributors are solely responsible for the content of their submissions.
Editor/ Webmaster Team
Getta Neumann is the "heart and mind" of this project, the editor of the site.
Irina Stern is associated with this project by being the wife of Tomi Stern z"l and the daughter-in-law of Ila (Schlesinger) Stern and Samuel Stern from Timisoara.
Irina acts as the webmaster of the site; she donates her time and the registration of the site in memory of her family.