BJT  MINI-Reunion  Köln  -  May,  2007
din 1947 in Israel in 2007
(password  9243030)
Prezenti dintre absolventii anului 1947
Brunner-Beeri Joska-Haifa;
Freiberg Gyuri-Tel Aviv;
Friedmann Jancsi-Petah Tikwah;
Friedmann Joska-Yerushalaim;
Gersh Pali-Petach Tikwah;
Grün Tibi-Yerushalaim;
György Tibi-Petah Tikwah;
Horowitz Adolf-Kiriat Tivon;
Maiorescu(/né/ Meier) Toma G. -Bucuresti;
Schatteles Tibi-Ottawa, Ontario;
Tauszk Heinzi-New York;
Várnai Andreas (Andris)-Frankfurt, Germany
Alti invitati de la Zsidlic
Cohen (Kohn) Dutzi;
Deutsch Ernö;
Steinberger (/né/ Kain) Lotte;
INTALNIREA dupa 50 de ani Absolventii Liceulul Israelit -  fete si baieti - Timisoara
Haifa, 10 octombrie 1996
Ziua lui Misu
Fribourg/Gruyere - February 01, 2008
Photo Gallery
  Dragii mei
cu ocazia zilei de nastere a lui Misu, am documentat niste momente...
   Multumita organizatiei deosebit de atente a lui Celine si Misu,
atit gindurile cit si voia buna, dar si toata constelatia
au favorizat nasterea unei intilniri minunate... de neuitat.
   Precum "astazi va fi miine deja ieri"ne-am imbogatit prezentul cu
3 zile de experiente, cunoscind personalitati deosebite...
  Sub forma unui album comun virtual-cu ajutorul tehnologiei moderne-poulam "tara amintirilor comune", a caror radacini ne leaga...totodata asigurind viitorul printr-un "rendez-vous"continu si independent, mereu in metamorfoza timpului, dind mai departe acest spirit copiilor nostrii.
  Cu speranta ca drumurile noastre sa aibe norocul de a se rascruci mai des pe drumul pasit de noi-"cetateni pamintesti"-, care numim "viata".
cu drag
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INTALNIREA absolventilor clasei a 5a din 1947, ultimul an de existenta a Liceului Israelit  - in Israel in 2007
With the help of Abrahamsohn Ocsi, Berkovits Ali (David), Heller Edit, Taub Klari, and others, the party went off beautifully, with 51 guests attending. I am grateful to them for their help in making this special event happen.

The excitement was intense as people entered the room to  joyous greetings from friends who hadn't seen them for decades.  While eating tasty rakot krumpli and other Hungarian treats, friends intermingled and reminisced about events of long ago. We laughed and cried about our youthful shenanigans, and regretted that so many years flew by without more meetings.
The "boys" told stories about Gizi Neni and her enterprise, which can not be printed, but caused a lot of laughter.  The girls were so exhuberant about this party, and were surprised that some of them could actually be recognized.

To my surprise, my classmates first roasted me, and told hilarious stories about my adventures of doing business with the Russian soldiers, like buying rubles and  selling them wood alcohol. Among other things, I accidentally shot one of them (he was only lightly wounded).

I was honored by my classmates with several beautiful plaques from the Keren Kayemet le Israel.  I will always cherish the precious memories of this reunion, and am so thankful for the renewed friendships.
A word from  Effy Pfeffermann:

The reunion took place at Judith's Restaurant in Tel Aviv on November 1, 2007. 

I decided to organize and coordinate a class reunion of the graduates of the 1947 "Zsidlic" in Timisoara.  This was the last school year of the lyceum before it was closed by the communists.