Gallery of the Week 16-17/08 Galeria Saptamanii
Hag Pessach Sameach
![matzot matzot](matzot.jpg) | matzot |
![1974 1974](spitzer2.jpg) | 1974 |
![1987 1987](Pessach5.jpg) | 1987 |
![1987 1987](Pessach17.jpg) | 1987 |
![1987 1987](pessach1987.2.jpg) | 1987 |
![hag_sameach hag_sameach](hag_sameach.jpg) | hag_sameach |
![1987 1987](pessach1987.3.jpg) | 1987 |
![1987 1987](pessach1987.5.jpg) | 1987 |
![1987 1987](pessach1987.6.jpg) | 1987 |
![1987 1987](pessach1987.8.jpg) | 1987 |
![kosher4pesach kosher4pesach](kosher4pesach.jpg) | kosher4pesach |
![1987 1987](pessach1987.10.jpg) | 1987 |
![1987 1987](pessach1987.15.jpg) | 1987 |
![1987 1987](pessach1987.16.jpg) | 1987 |
![1987 1987](pessach1987.19.jpg) | 1987 |
![HagSameach HagSameach](HagSameach.jpg) | HagSameach |
![peszah peszah](peszah .jpg) | peszah |
![Happy_Passover Happy_Passover](Happy_Passover.jpg) | Happy_Passover |
![happy_passover_2008 happy_passover_2008](happy_passover_2008.jpg) | happy_passover_2008 |
![jewish_passovertable jewish_passovertable](jewish_passovertable.gif) | jewish_passovertable |
![passover passover](passove.gif) | passover |
![wishing_you_happy_passover wishing_you_happy_passover](wishing_you_happy_passover.gif) | wishing_you_happy_passover |
Dragi prieteni din Canada,
Din America,din Bonn,
Din Ber Sheva,din Natania,
Si din Haifa, din Holon,
Sa mancam maine, de Pesah
Tot ce inima-ti da ghes!
Feluri multe de bucate,
Ce-i mai bun si mai ales...
Un 'iuh' galben ca de aur
Si cu 'kneidalah' pufoase,
Cum mancam in tinerete,
La mamica noastra-acasa...
'Latkes' multe, calde, bune
Din faina de 'matzot',
'Hemzlah' dulci, apetisante,
Mult mai buni decat compot.
Dar sa nu uitam traditia.
(Cred ca stiti putin 'idis'),
Ca la 'seder' se manaca
Neaparat 'ghefilte fish'...
Dar ce carne se mananca
Cu cartofi si garnitura ?
O pulpita de gaina
Neaparat c-o muratura!
Si nu bem nimic la masa?
Vad pe masa un pahar,
Ce ati zice de-o sticluta
'Pinot Noir de Murfatlar?!
Dar vedeti,eu am probleme
Nu stiu cum sa va explic:
Nu am voie iute, sare,,
Nici un condiment, nimic...
Supa-are-n ea grasime,
Trebuie scoasa de pe 'rol'.
Ca la ultima-analiza
Am avut colesterol...
Tot ce-i fript, este otrava
Pentru mine-i interzis.
(N-o spun eu si nici amicii
Ci chiar doctorul mi-a zis).
Muraturile sunt acre,
Dauneaza la stomac,
Nici alcoolul nu-mi prieste,
Ce mananc eu? Ce ma fac?
Am sa stau cu voi la masa,
Asta-i voie, asta pot!
Dati-mi un pahar cu lapte
Si-o felie de...'matzot'!
Orit, Evan, Dan
![happy.passover happy.passover](happy.passover.gif) | happy.passover |
Pesach Sameach ,
deseamos pentru comunitatea din
Timisoara de parte de
Dr. Krausz Gyuri,Franci din Israel
si Evi Berger(Rosenfeld)din Florida.
![Hag_Pesach_Sameach! Hag_Pesach_Sameach!](5902_mp1.jpg) | Hag_Pesach_Sameach! |
Passover – another holiday when we try to survive the crazy mishpuche, or use as an excuse to get away, or to break our diet…
Or to try to momentarily forget all the stresses we have to deal with. Like work, stressful clients, money, relationships. Ok… so maybe I’m just speaking for myself here, but I certainly have my hands full at the moment. And I assume I’m not the only one.
However, looking at the other side of it all, Passover is when we celebrate the passing over us of terrible afflictions. Being grateful for the good we have in our lives and the evil that passes us by. Something I so often forget to do amidst all my stressors.
So, I’d like to take this moment to spam your inbox with a holiday wish: This holiday, be grateful for what you have: family, friends, support, a home, a dream. Even more importantly, be grateful for what you don’t have: disease, pain, loneliness, hopelessness, and worse.
If you don’t have a place to celebrate Passover, reach out, don’t let an opportunity to reconnect with others pass over you. And if you do have a place to celebrate, remember that there are those who don’t, and you have a chance to help them.
And most importantly, feast, and be festive,
Happy Passover
(This Passoverwish came from my cousin in Israel. As it says all what my heart feels and my brain thinks, I forward it to you!
Love, Miri and Dan)
![Erna+Gyuri Politzer Erna+Gyuri Politzer](Erna+Gyuri Politzer.jpg) | Erna+Gyuri Politzer |
![Dani, nepotul rabinului Neumann&Laure Dani, nepotul rabinului Neumann&Laure](Dani&Laure_Seder2008.JPG) | Dani, nepotul rabinului Neumann&Laure |
Seder Gallery
![Getta, Albert si tatal lui, 97 de ani Getta, Albert si tatal lui, 97 de ani](Getta, Albert si tatal lui, 97 de ani.JPG) | Getta, Albert si tatal lui, 97 de ani |
![juli&familia-photo Lajos juli&familia-photo Lajos](juli&familia.JPG) | juli&familia-photo Lajos |
Sarbatori fericite si numai bine, mai cu seama sanatate si Shalom doresc fostilor elevi de la Zsidlic Fischer Tibi (Rehovot)