In ziua de 19 Mai 2023, sub auspiciile Institutului Cultural Roman Tel Aviv si A.M.I.R. (Asociatia Israelienilor originari din
Romania), a avut loc Conferinta "Timisoara Evreiasca", la ANU - Muzeul Poporului Evreu din Tel Aviv. Prezentarile s-au
desfasurat in limbile ivrit si engleza. Au fost invitati sa se adreseze Conferintei Radu Ioanid, Ambasador al Romaniei in
Israel, si Dominic Fritz, Primarul Timisoarei. Conferinta a fost deschisa de Martin Solomon, Director ICR, urmat de Micha
Harish, presedinte A.M.I.R.
Au contribuit cu lucrari Getta Neumann, Luciana Friedmann, Raluca-Elena Doroftei. Masa rotunda cu Micha Harish,
Abraham Klein, Laszlo Roth, moderata de George Schimerling. Momente muzicale - fragmente din "Scripcarul pe
acoperis" - cu Cristian Rudik, Gabriella Varvari, la pian Laszlo Roth.
Autor video: Dana Mor Katz
et du Cinéma Roumain, Villeneuve Loubet, 1-2
aprilie 2023
Interviu realizat de Felicia Ristea, pentru Radio
Timisoara, cu Maia Morgenstern, actrita in rolul
principal in filmul Michel Le Brave, regizoare
Mihaela Mihai
Conferinta dedicata Capitalei Europene a Culturii 2023, 19
mai, Tel Aviv
Interviu realizat de Felicia Ristea cu Getta Neumann
despre programul conferintei
de Andrei S. Markovits
Lansarea cartii la Timisoara, a avut loc Duminica, 11 iunie, ora
19:00, in Sinagoga din Cetate si Luni, 12 iunie, ora 11.00, la
Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara.
O carte emotionanta, dezarmant de sincera, animata de dragoste,
zbucium si, in cele din urma, plina de speranta, optimista,
triumfatoare chiar. O sursa de inspiratie pentru noi toti.
Miskovits István 3.05.1928 -
27.05.2023 Ne anunta cu mare
tristete Melita, sotia, si István, fiul
Motto: "In viata omului sunt
momente grele, dar, in ansamblu,
viata este un cadou minunat".
Cu multa durere ne anunta fiul,
nora, nepotii si fratele, Stefan
Kecskemeti, decesul lui
Peter Kecskemeti (1937, Timisoara
- April 24, 2023, Ottawa)
sportive de Miki Kecskemeti
A Jew crossing the street bumps into an anti-Semite. “Swine!” bellows the paskudnyak [nasty or contemptible person]. “Goldberg,” bows the Jew.
Maish and Benny, who walk by a church whose sign says that anyone who converts will be given $1,000. Maish goes in to check it out. When he
returns, Benny says, “Did you get the $1,000?” And Maish says, “Don’t you people ever think of anything but money?”
There are three guys-a Frenchman, a German and a Jew-making their way across the desert after their car breaks down. The German says “I’m so
thirsty. I must have some beer,” and the Frenchman says, “I’m so thirsty. I must have some white wine,” and the Jew says, “I’m so thirsty. I must have
What did the waiter say to the group of Jewish women sitting in a restaurant? “Hello, is anything okay?”
“I had lunch with my mother the other day, and she looked up at me and said, ‘I didn’t like this chicken salad.’ And I’m like, ‘It hasn’t even come yet.’’
A young Jewish boy, being an obedient son, goes to the bakery to deliver a message from his mother to a very busy and very overworked baker. As the
baker is working, the boy yells out, “My momma says there was a fly in the raisin bread.” The baker continues at his task, hardly taking notice. So the
boy yells out again, “My momma says there was a fly in the raisin bread.” The baker, wishing to put an end to the nuisance, says, “Fine. So bring me the
fly, I’ll give you a raisin.”
How many Jewish mothers does it take to change a lightbulb? None: “I’ll sit in the dark.”
A Jewish woman in a hospital says to the doctor that she wants to be transferred. The doctor says, “What is it, the food?” She says, “The food is fine. I
can’t kvetch.” “Is it the room?” he says. “No,” she says, “the room is beautiful. I can’t kvetch.” “What about the staff? Is there a problem with the staff?”
She says, “No. They’re beautiful people. I can’t kvetch.” “So why do you want to be transferred?” he asks. “I can’t kvetch,” she says.
A seriously Orthodox family is unhappy that their rebellious and entitled 28-year-old son still isn’t married, so to move things along they bring in a
shadchan, a matchmaker. As you’d expect, the shadchan asks the young man a number of questions about himself and the kind of partner he might
want to meet, and the son responds as you also might expect: She should be attractive, well-educated, spirited, intelligent, with a good sense of
humor, and so on.
Three weeks later the shadchan returns and meets with the boy and his family. He tells them about Rifka, who is beautiful, educated, comes from a
wonderful family, is eager to have children, and meets all the other requirements that the young man and his parents have mentioned. The parents are
already planning the wedding, but their son seems hesitant. “Is something wrong?” says the shadchan. “Well, I meant to ask you,” the son says. “This
girl, is she good in bed?” The parents are shocked, but if the shadchan is fazed, he doesn’t show it. “Well,” he replies, “that’s a tough one. Some say
yes, some say no.”
Timisoara este orasul celor trei teatre si a celor trei sinagogi, iar vedeta incontestabila a întâlnirii, László Roth, fostul
dirijor al Operei Nationale din oras, are si el trei ani, daca nu i-am socoti pe cei 100 de dinainte. Tot trei este numarul
de Campionate Mondiale la care a arbitrat un alt timisorean celebru, Abraham Klein, prezent si el la întâlnire...